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At Scam Track, we recognize the need for a strong, proactive stance on cybersecurity in today's digital environment. Here's why selecting us is the smart choice for protecting your digital assets.

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Be informed on

Types of Scam

Cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoins are digital money without any physical existence.You can transfer cryptocurrencies to someone online but there will be no intermediary like a Bank or other financial institution. Although cryptocurrencies are meant for digital payments and avoid transaction fees and also for investment purposes, they are also used to commit frauds

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Dating romance scams

Romance Scam, also known as Dating scam, is prevalent today. In this online scheme, scammers deceive victims by pretending to be in a romantic relationship. They create fake identities on dating apps or social media to gain victims' trust, ultimately coercing them to give money through manipulation or blackmail.

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Binary options trading scams

With the increased dependency on the internet for almost every task comes the increased risk of getting scammed. As mankind has started incorporating the online world into one’s own, online thefts and scams are appearing to be as common as pickpocketing. The term Binary, in lay man’s language, means two. This is what the trade binary options exactly mean, that is, only two trading options. The traders in this type of trade cannot go for other options except for a fixed amount or nothing at all. This type of trade deals with the traders predicting the price of a certain asset, commodity, or index provided over a short period. Binary options are often termed to be high risk as it puts the trader at the risk of losing all their money or gaining high profits.

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